Celebrating "Decolonise Pacific History Month" in March 2020

Posted by Decolonise Pacific Admin on

Just before the entire world went into Pandemic-lockdown, we were fortunate to promote our #DecolonisePacificHistoryMonth during March 2020! Our facebook page, "Decolonise Pacific", featured a number of informative memes about our beautiful Pacific people and history.  Our Facebook-campaign to push for a Decolonise-Pacific-History-Month, conjured up much support from our beautiful Pacific people and challenges from those who were in dispute.

Regardless, our #DecolonisePacificHistoryMonth promotion, informed and empowered many about our history.  We featured The Rongorongo script, the West Papua genocide, Queen Teri'itari'a II, Freestyle swimming in the Pacific, the invention of Surfing in the Pacific, the widespread France Exclusive Economic Zones controlling much of the Pacific and much more.

Head over to our facebook page for more updates, at https://www.facebook.com/decolonisepacific/ .  Let's continue to stay informed, decolonised and taught, about our brilliant Pacific History.


